Why Are My Feet Swollen?Swollen feet and ankles are a common problem that will affect most of us at some point in our lives Most of the time, foot swelling is not serious and will resolve quickly, but sometimes it can be a sign of a serious health problem that requires medical attention When to seek medical advice Get medical care as soon as possible if You have unexplained, painful swelling of your feet or legs, particularly if it's only in one leg The swollen area becomes warm, red or inflamed The swelling is accompanied by a fever
Both of my feet are swollen
Both of my feet are swollen-Answer (1 of 2) The question I was asked to answer "Why are my feet and legs swollen?" No image or other information accompanied the question If your concern about the condition of your feet and legs is genuine, then you need to see a health practitioner, such Foot swelling due to heart failure is bilateral, meaning, it affects both legs Other symptoms are central chest pain, difficulty in breathing especially on activity, leg swelling, increase voiding at night, cough, and fatigue If you have these symptoms, it

Easy Home Remedies For Swollen Feet Times Of India
Swollen feet and water retention are essentially the same condition When someone's feet swell, it is due to water being retained within the tissue It may be caused by a range of medical issues, but the results are the same Water retention within the feet Inflammation is more likely to affect one area or one side of the body Swelling can also be caused by problems with fluid balance When the body holds on to too much fluid, it collects in the legs and ankles due to gravity This is more likely to affect both sides of the body equallyA person with itchy swollen feet An allergic reaction can also cause itchy and swollen feet Localized allergies may be caused by any number of substances, ranging from poison ivy to different sorts of synthetic products and chemicals A local allergic reaction can typically be treated with antihistamines and should subside fairly quickly once the allergen has been removed
This situation is urgent can is called phlegmasia Very severe artery blockages can also cause sudden purple feet If the blockage is very severe there will also be swelling Sadly, the swelling means the muscles may be dying or the artery blockages also blocked vein flow Get a physician If there is swelling in both feet and legs, please see your primary care physician as soon as possible If you have a trouble breathing along with swelling in both legs, please go to the nearest emergency room and the er physician will do a complete workup for you 59k views Reviewed >2 years ago Radiation Oncology Attending Director PostDoctoral Degree 36,404 satisfied customers My husband's feet, ankels and lower calves are swollen (feet My husband's feet, ankels and lower calves are swollen (feet very swollen) his feet an ankels are almost a solid light red and then the red gets spotchy as it goes up the calves
An injury to one or both feet can cause them to become swollen and inflamed Edema, or fluid retention, is another common culprit which may be caused by a number of things Circulatory issues and blood clots are also frequently to blame Red swollen feet may also be the result of infection, being overweight, or taking certain medications Swollen Feet Causes In Men Symptoms, Causes, and Best Treatments can be your reference to find the best solution Swollen feet are often experienced by men both young and old The bending that occurs can be on the ankle, either the left foot or the right foot You can prevent as well as overcome it with some treatment Swollen Feet Causes In Men Swollen feet and ankles are a common occurrence, particularly among pregnant women and older people, but they can affect anyone The swelling is caused by the buildup of excess fluid, which is called edemaEdema can occur anywhere in the body, but the feet are frequently affected due to gravity

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Foot Health Causes Of Swollen Feet And Ankles
Christopher Bonati, MD, practices family medicine at Banner Health Center in Verrado His office can be reached at (623) Question I am on my feet all day at work but I have recently noticed that around 5 pm, my legs are red and swollenPuffy, Tender Tootsies 1 / 15 If one or both of your feet are swollen, it can be hard to move around And it can hurt, too It's not always clear Edema 2 / 15 This is when your body holds on to too much water It can make your feet puffy as well as your hands and This is a common cause of swollen feet Phlebitis This painful inflammation of the veins can cause swollen feet and also leg pain Deepvein thrombosis In this condition, blood clots form in the deep veins of the legs The clots block the return of blood from the legs to the heart, causing swelling of the legs and feet

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Why Are My Feet Swelling
Lie down and use pillows to raise the swollen area when you can get some gentle exercise, like walking, to improve your blood flow wear wide, comfortable shoes with a low heel and soft sole wash, dry and moisturise your feet to avoid infectionsDr Michael Sparacino answered Family Medicine 37 years experienceThey hinder the return of blood flow from your legs back to your heart It causes swelling in both your feet and ankles One sure remedy to reduce swelling of your feet and ankles is by elevating them over some pillows This promotes blood and fluid circulation from the joints and back to the heart

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The Most Common Causes Of Foot Pain And How To Treat It
I have an achy throbbing pain in my leg leg and foot, with foot being worse, my ankle is swollen warm not hot neither is like gout or neuropathy pain? Rightsided heart failure can cause the body to retain salt and water, resulting in swollen feet Heart Disease Treatment Treatments for this condition vary widely and may include everything from lifestyle changes to medications, surgery, stents, pacemakers, and ablation The swelling can occur on both sides of the body or on just one side One or more areas in the lower body may be affected Painless, swollen feet is a

6 Possible Reasons Why You Have Swollen Feet Ankles Or Legs Keck Medicine Of Usc

Easy Home Remedies For Swollen Feet Times Of India
When blood clots occur in the veins of your legs; my father had bad swelling of his feet ,so he was taking aleve for pain in his knees , but i got him off that cause those can cause swelling of the legs and feet so having your feet down to long can swell , so some medication makes their feet swell , and so does water weight gain , to much fluid in their system , so my dad used to take blood pressure pills with other meds in it Swollen body parts may be uncomfortable but with older adults, it can be a sign of edema This serious condition can occur in any part of your body but usually results in fluid leaking from legs in elderly individuals Let's take a closer look at what causes swollen ankles and feet in the elderly, as well as the symptoms, complications, and treatments for edema

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Swollen Feet 15 Causes Treatments And Home Remedies
If one or both of your feet are swollen, you may have difficulty in moving Swollen feet usually occur when there is fluid trapped in the feet There are a number of conditions that can cause swollen feet Mildly swollen feet can disappear without treatment, while severe cases may require medical attentionLong airplane flights or car rides, as well as standing for long periods of time, often lead to some swelling in the feet and ankles Swelling may occur in women who take estrogen, or during parts of the menstrual cycle Most women have some swelling during pregnancy More severe swelling during pregnancy may be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition that includes high blood pressure and swelling Swollen Allergens Certain substances cause allergic reactions of the skin and exposure to them on the feet can lead to red, swollen and irritated skin Some examples of these allergens include poison ivy/oak/sumac and nickel Both frostnip and frostbite are forms of injury to the skin and underlying tissues caused by exposure to extreme cold

13 Reasons You Have Swollen Feet According To Doctors Health Com

@lotsofpain, I think it's normal to have swelling in the legs and feet for at least 4 to 6 weeks after a hip or knee replacementI had a knee replacement in 19 and was not icing and elevating my leg enough when I was at home recovering @sueinmn may also be able to share some suggestions along with her experience Here are some questions and answers on hip and knee replacements If you have swollen legs and ankles, especially if you work on your feet, it could be a sign of edema Edema is a condition in which fluid builds up in certain tissues of the body, namely in the arms and legs Venous insufficiency, a condition where the valves of the veins in the legs become weaker But even healthy, active folks may be at risk for heatrelated swelling — especially swollen ankles and feet — if they have limited access to airconditioning or do intense outdoor workouts in high heat Advertisement

Lymphoedema And Limb Swelling Vascular Society

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An ankle sprain is an injury the ligaments in the foot causing pain, tenderness, swelling, and bruising Blood clot in the legs Blood clots in the leg can become very dangerous, symptoms include swelling, redness, tenderness in the leg Ascites Ascites causes pain and swelling in the abdominal region due to is extra fluid in the lining that areaThe location of the swelling can help you rule out heart failure usually swelling in the feet points to rightsided heart failure And if you have heart failure, swelling in your feet is usually Patients with swollen legs and feet Swelling ( oedema) of the lower legs and feet happens when fluid in the lower legs has difficulty returning back up to the heart There are many things that can cause this but in every case of chronic oedema you will find that lymphatic drainage is impaired in some way

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Foot Health Causes Of Swollen Feet And Ankles
Whether the swelling is in one foot or in both feet and whether it is accompanied by other symptoms (pain, redness, warmth, skin discoloration) can help identify the cause If a single cause is not apparent from your clinical presentation, medical history, and a complete physical examination, your physician may recommend testing either toBenign, Harmless Causes of Both Ankles Swelling Up There are multiple benign causes of bilateral swelling of the ankles due to edema, says Susan L Besser, MD, with Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, and Diplomate American Board of Obesity Medicine and board certified by the American Board of Family Medicine

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Why Are My Feet Swollen
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